
Sounds of Now: Contemporary Music for All - Sheffield
A programme of music by CoMA’s Sheffield, Manchester & Allcomers participants including work by Cyborg Soloists composer Mark Dyer.
Join CoMA (Contemporary Music for All) for this programme of works that interweaves explorations of the human voice into the unique colours of an open ensemble. CoMA Sheffield and CoMA Manchester are joined by composer Mark Dyer (of the Cyborg soloists project), and will present his piece Mensura for voices and Soundbrenner wearable metronomes alongside other works by Sheffield and Manchester based composers, including a world premiere by Peter Bourne.
The programme will also include two pieces by the CoMA Allcomers Ensemble made up of players from all around Sheffield who have joined the ensemble for the day.
Free conceret. Full details, including how to participate in the CoMA Allcomers Ensemble, on the Music in the Round website →

Hidden Vortices - Egham, Surrey
Cyborg Soloists: Hidden Vortices features new works created as part of Zubin Kanga’s music-technology research project Cyborg Soloists, supported by a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship and hosted at Royal Holloway. Zubin will perform and discuss new solo piano and multimedia works by Joanna Ward, Luke Nickel, CHAINES (Cee Haines), and his own composition, featuring a range of technological extensions of the piano and the performer including MiMU movement-sensor gloves, a new robotic piano mechanism, Soundbrenner haptic metronomes and ROLI keyboards with surface sensors. Mark Dyer (the project’s postdoctoral research assistant) will also present a performance by students of his new work, Mensura, featuring an ensemble wearing Soundbrenner Pulse devices, deriving games of tempo and rhythm from their shared heart rates.
Joanna Ward: Full and Hollow for remotely activated piano (designed and built by Sam Underwood and Richard Sewell)
Mark Dyer: Mensura for voices and Soundbrenner Pulses
CHAINES: Escape TERF Island for ROLI keyboards, touchpads and live electronics
Zubin Kanga: Steel on Bone for piano, MiMU gloves and live electronics
Luke Nickel: hhiiddeenn vvoorrttiicceess for piano, Soundbrenner Cores, electronics, video and strobe lights
Free admission, booking required. Find out more and book tickets →

Robots vs Wrestlers - Manchester
CoMA Manchester premiere four works by local artists including the world premiere of Mark Dyer’s Mensura, commissioned by Cyborg Soloists.
The programme also includes two NonClassical commissions from Simon Knighton and Atefeh Einali, an interpretation of artist Lorna Green's new video Big Stones and a performance of i'm not a robot from Nina Whiteman.
Book tickets through EventBrite
Find out more about Mensura by Mark Dyer
This performance will be preceded by an All Comers event for anyone of any level of musical ability. Find out more about the CoMA Manchester All Comers event